The hardest part to activate eBay 2FA is to found the right URL. Here you are:
I didn't know that I could activate eBay 2FA using the Symantec VIP Access softkey ( because the eBay page states the hard token as only option. You need to use the VIP Access Credential ID as the hard key serial number and wait for two timed Security Codes to use as OTP. But I found a even better alternative: is a python FOSS "implementation of Symantec's VIP Access client. It is able to generate OATH URIs and their corresponding QR codes so any TOTP-generating application can be used as a VIP OTP token." You don't need two apps. You can generate a QR code and register it in an app like Authy or Google Authenticator
Source Windows
Source Intel Rapid Start WARNING: This will destroy all your data. HINTS:
If you try to do a clean install of Windows 10 in an UEFI machine, it will read the UEFI key and install the most basic Windows, i.e., Windows 10 Home. You can force it to ask the Edition (Home or Pro) putting a simple text file ei.cfg inside the ISO in \Sources folder with just two lines:
[Channel] Retail
If you have Microsoft Hypervisor installed, it will take up the cpu VT-x so any other Virtual Machine System will accuse that your system hasn't support to virtualization. You need to disable its launching to release the cpu VT-x support to other VM like Oracle Virtualbox or VMWare.
List disks. Unmount if needed. Check file system
Find superblocks backups
Restore superblock backup
Install Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) including Deployment and Imaging Tools Enviroment and Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE).
Start command line as administrator Create a virtual Hard Drive
Create a working copy of WinPE
Detach the drive
To save disk space, you can erase various files. But it's better if you keep yours names to track and turn it to zero size. Helpful to 3rd part Steam folders as DirectX setups. You can zero all. Create a Windows .bat file and drag files and folders to it. This files and folders contents will be transformed to zero size. There is no undo. Do only to files you agree to delete fully. Para economizar espaço em disco, você pode apagar diversos arquivos. Mas é melhor se você manter seus nomes como referência e torná-los a tamanho zero. Útil para os arquivos de instalação do Steam, como setups DirectX. Você pode zerar todos. Crie um arquivo Windows .bat e arraste arquivos e pastas para cima dele. Estes arquivos e o conteúdo dos diretórios serão transformados para arquivos de tamanho zero. Não há como desfazer a operação. Execute somente em arquivos que você concorde to apagar totalmente. Browsers speed test at Sony Vaio Duo 11 Ultrabook (Intel i7, Windows 8.1 64 bits) Teste de velocidade de navegadores de internet em um Ultrabook Sony Vaio Duo 11 (Intel i7, Windows 8.1 64 bits) BROWSERS: Comodo Dragon (optimized Chromium, 32 bits, --disable-extensions) SRWare Iron 30.0.1650.0 (privacy optimized Chromium, 32 bits, --disable-extensions) Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16384 BENCHMARKERS: Acid3 Compliance JavaScript Standards Sun Spider JavaScript Benchmark Google Octane JavaScript Benchmark Mozilla Kraken JavaScript Benchmark Webvizbench HTML5 benchmark Browsermark Browser benchmark Peacekeeper Browser benchmark MY CONCLUSIONS: I will keep SRWare Iron as my only browser.
[*] 1st place alias microbon='sudo mount /mnt/microbon/'
alias touro='sudo mount /mnt/touro/' alias slim='sudo systemctl start slim' alias tor='sudo systemctl start tor' alias transmission='sudo systemctl start transmission' alias samba='sudo systemctl start smbd' alias site='sudo systemctl start lighttpd' alias calibre='calibre-server --daemonize --pidfile=~/.calibrepid --max-cover=480x640 --port=66053 --thread-pool=10 --with-library=/mnt/touro/Library' alias packey='sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux && sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys' alias pacup='sudo pacman -Syu && packer -Syu --auronly' alias pacclean='sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qtdq)' alias btor='transmission-remote-cli -c' alias ll='ls -lh --color=auto' alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias dl='lsblk -o name,size,fstype,mountpoint,uuid,state' alias df='df -hTx tmpfs -x devtmpfs' alias du='sudo ncdu -x' |